Alice Bee Honestly I’m not sure what I’ll get up to this weekend. I was recommended a Dreamcast survival horror game called D2 (I was never a Dreamcast kid so I won’t have played most Dreamcast games you recommend), so I might spend a couple of days trying to get an emulator working. Alice0 My mum is visiting for the first time in years, so I’m playing an intense session real-life Viscera Cleanup Detail. It’s not that my flat is filthy, but is it mum clean? Hopefully the ongoing bin strike will make my flat look cleaner in comparison (and hopefully strikers will get the raise they deserve). CJ I started playing Escape Academy together with my partner yesterday, swapping over between puzzle rooms. It’s been fun so far, so we’ll most likely try to fit some more of that in. Other than that, Death Stranding. Going on a Geoff trek this weekend. Ed is busy at Gamescom! Hayden My weekend is going to be split between diving into the Season Of Plunder on Destiny 2 and finally checking out Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. I’ve wanted to check out Bannerlord ever since it launched in early access but opted to keep plodding along in Warband until the full release. I thought it’d never come, but the recent reveal now has it set for October 25th. That’s soon! That must mean it’s almost finished, so I’ll treat myself and hop in a couple of months early. James I’m behind on my Deep Rock Galactic weeklies so need to catch up. DRG isn’t gacha or anything. I just, uh, like ’em. Katharine Yep, you guessed it. It’s more Xenoblade 3. Expect this to be a theme for the next… I don’t know. Six months? A year? It’s a big one all right. Liam I’m out of the country for the best part of a month from today, so I think I’m going to start something meaty on my Switch. Maybe Dragon Quest 11? I usually hate JRPGS but maybe this time things will be different…? Ollie In between bouts of Apex, I’ve installed the final beta of Super People, so I’m hoping to give that another whirl this weekend and see what’s changed since I last played it several months back. I’ve been watching some of the streamer tournaments going on at the moment, and the prevalence of nukes going off across the map each match is just silly. I expect the Nuclear class is going to receive a nerf quite soon, because it takes a lot of the skill out of what’s otherwise a very skill-based and enjoyable battle royale. Rachel My pile from last week is getting smaller! I’m still playing Cult Of The Lamb and taking my sweet time with it (I’ve only just beaten the second boss), but apart from that, I’m going to sink some time into I Was A Teenage Exocolonist ready for my review next week. I’ve played a couple of hours already and it’s been..kinda meh, but I do feel like it’s heading in an interesting direction. Rebecca Genshin Impact 3.0 has done its job of drawing me back in. I find it all too easy to bounce off the daily grind of live service games, and I’ll admit I hadn’t really played Genshin for my own amusement (as opposed to work reasons) in the last couple of months. But the annual drop of new story content has proven too enticing to resist, so given that I’ve got some extra time this weekend, I hope to get stuck into my latest fix of high fantasy anime nonsense. But you, reader dear, what are you playing this weekend?

title: “What Are We All Playing This Bank Holiday Weekend " ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-14” author: “Robert Habbyshaw”
What are you playing this weekend? Here’s what we’re clicking on! But you, dearest reader, what are you playing? This weekend I will probably spend some time noodling around The Witcher 3 and try and reach Skellige, which everyone says is a good bit but I have never seen. With Scotland starting to plan a gradual easing of lockdown, I am suddenly very aware that I’m short of the goals I set. I’ve been lifting weights (and swinging, with the kettlebell) a fair bit and grown some good lumps but my biceps don’t yet sparkle and go SCHINNGGG! like a cartoon sword when I flex so tbh I need to put in extra work. This weekend is going to be a special one. We’re getting a new kettle. Yeah… I know. Exciting times. As well as that, I’ll probably dip in to Minecraft Dungeons I’ve never been able to get into vanilla Minecraft, so I’m going to see if this is the thing that can get me onboard with blocks. I imagine I’ll be playing a lot more of Minecraft Dungeons over the weekend. I quite enjoy it for what it is, despite the RSI I’ll inevitably get from clicking the left mouse button so many times. I’m also very intrigued by Maneater, though Nate’s very good review is making me think twice about whether it’s something I’ll continue playing after a couple of hours. I’ve got some preview and review code for things I shouldn’t talk about which I’ll be playing over the weekend. I’m still dying to find the time to play some Deep Rock Galactic however, because being a space dwarf with some friends sounds fun. Still on the Dark Souls 3 grind this weekend. I’m nearing the end now though, so I’m hopping into the DLCs so I don’t have to stop playing just yet. Short of that I’m gonna give Crucible another shot, too. Its launch may have been a bit lacklustre, but despite that I still quite like it. Makes a change from constantly playing Overwatch at every given opportunity… oh god, am I getting bored of Overwatch? Right, we’re going to do it this time, we’re going to finish Final Fantasy VII Remake. I ended up spending all of last Saturday finishing off a side-quest chapter, but it’s finally time to make our ascent up the Shinra tower. The only question now is: stairs or lift? I’ll be hopping aboard Monster Train, and I expect the weekend will run out of steam before I do. There is a non-zero chance this deckbuilder will take up a comparable amount of my life to the Spire. How wonderful. This week’s Witcher 3 podcast got me longing for that terrific NPC banter, but I’m also halfway through Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, so should probably stick with those less entertaining barks. Nate has been fired. Subnautica has finally clicked, and I’m loving every second of it. It’s also made me realise a phobia of the deep ocean that I never knew I had. I haven’t jumped so hard at a game since the Enderman Incident of 2011. I am not here, having cleverly stolen the day off from Graham’s magical cupboard of concepts. I will be playing games though, because, well. Y’know. Most likely more Elite Dangerous, whose fleet carrier beta continues until Tuesday, and perhaps more Fallout 76. I’m also supposed to be playing Captain Forever with Matt at some point. And more of my first ever D&D game on Sunday. Lumme. I’ll need a day off after all that.