In the below trophy guide you’ll find a full list of all 41 achievements you can earn in Kena: Bridge Of Spirits, along with a few bits of advice on how to unlock some of the more challenging ones. Warning: major spoilers follow! Roughly half of these achievements are story-related. I’ve listed them at the bottom of the table so you can view the other achievements without seeing the story spoilers if you so wish.
Kena: Bridge Of Spirits trophy guide: achievements list
Most of the achievements in Kena: Bridge Of Spirits can be broadly lumped into three categories: you’ve got the story achievements which you’ll unlock just by progressing through the main quests of the game. Then you’ve got the completionist achievements, where you have to hunt for all the Rot (including those sneaky ones hidden inside Hay Piles), all the Spirit Mail, all the Hats, and so on. If you want to make these achievements much easier to complete, be sure to check out our Kena: Bridge Of Spirits map and collectible locations walkthrough! It’s also worth noting here that Zen Master, which requires you to meditate at all Meditation Spots, can only be completed by completing the game, because the last meditation spot is at the end of the story. The third category of achievements relates to combat, and involves a bit of planning. Many of them require a particular ability: for example, Bow Master requires you to unlock the Bind Multishot ability upgrade for the Spirit Bow. Probably the hardest achievement in the game to earn is Master Spirit Guide, simply because it requires that you complete the game twice: first on any difficulty level in order to unlock Master, and then again on Master itself. That’ll take some time, for sure, considering how long it takes to beat Kena: Bridge Of Spirits. If you are looking to speed up this process, you’ll definitely want to take onboard the advice in our Kena: Bridge Of Spirits tips and tricks guide.